OneBlink’s Low-Code Suite, LcS Now Integrated with Civica Authority
Centralise your Council’s e-form building in one place, with low-code tools that make it easy for ratepayers to submit enquiries directly into Civica Authority.
Mark Iveson
30th June 2021
In the first half of 2021, Lismore City Council came to us with a dilemma they were facing: How do we simplify and centralise all of our e-form building using a single solution that integrates into our existing customer interfaces (like apps, websites, etc), and have all of the form data collected from users automatically injected into our core business systems?
Lismore City Council’s core business system just so happened to be Civica Authority, a “whole-of-government” solution that allows Lismore City Council manage the core local government functions of ratepayer relationship management and engagement, accounts, assets, properties, utilities, waste management, finance, animals, infringements and inspections.
The OneBlink SDK already provides a mechanism for any sized customers that have development resources to create bespoke integrations into systems such as Civica Authority. The engagement process with Lismore City Council highlighted the need to provide a ready-made Authority integration that could be applied to a large number of e-forms within a short period of time.
The requirements were reviewed and refined by key stakeholders. In addition a key assumption was considered “if Lismore City Council needed to easily integrate with Civica Authority, how many other local Councils were facing the exact same issue?”.
This assumption was confirmed and incorporated into the solution design to build a reusable integration within the OneBlink Low-code Suite that enables a non-technical user to easily configure forms and activate the integration with Civica Authority. The end result being that anyone using the OneBlink forms builder can easily configure that form and its workflows to integrate seamlessly with Civica Authority.
Lismore City Council are able to provide their ratepayers with a contemporary modern user experience that enables users to easily submit relevant data to council, that when submitted integrates with existing CA process and workflows that enables Lismore City Council to have a single CRM that better delivers on their goal of outstanding service delivery.
Civica Authority at its core is a CRM and at OneBlink we’ve had already had great success with our integrations into other CRMs like Pivotal, Hubspot and Electronic Document and Records Management Systems (EDRMS) such as HP TRIM (Micro Focus Content Manager) and our development team was able to take those learning’s away and apply it to the latest Civica Authority integration.
With development complete and beta testing performed by Lismore City Council in just under 2 weeks, the CRM, Name Register, Street Registers are now integrated into our Low-code Suite alongside other ready-made integrations for Okta and Auth0, BPoint and QuickStream, NSW Point, Geoscape and Content Manager.
The new integration provides a base from which key customer use cases can be delivered and future opportunities identified, to add further features and functionality to the Authority integration. The integration opens the door for LGA’s wanting to build and deploy activity or process centric apps that seamlessly integrate with existing processes and workflows surrounding Civica Authority.
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